Thursday, March 24, 2011


Hey, my name is Reyna Martinez, I am 18 years young and I am a graduating senior at A. Maceo Smith. Blah, blah, honestly, I think that the rest of my personal information is not important so I'll get straight to the point. When I graduate, I plan on going to TTU, major in psychology, minor in criminology, and join the National Guard Reserve in order to help pay for my tuition. Afterwards, I plan, of course, on serving the National Guard full time in order to pay them back and then proceed with my career. But then again, I'm having seconds thoughts and I'm thinking about going straight to the military. But anyway, Long story short, I took some time out of my schedule to post a few blogs, so feel free to read them as well as comment on them. Thank you and have a wonderful day! (:


I think that the DOMA law is unconstitutional. I think that you being married to someone should have nothing to do with the government unless you're about to get a divorce. I believe the government has no right to interfere with one's personal life style or even love life, whether he or she is gay or not.