Tuesday, April 5, 2011


The billboard. It was a horrible idea, as well as the wrong way to let people become aware of abortion rates amoung certain races. Their intention was to open up people's minds towards the fact that there is a high rate of abortion amoung African Americans, but they went about it the wrong way. The quote itself was enough to let someone know that besides acknowledging abortion, they might be targeting a certain race, and I don't mean it in a good way. Personally, in a broader perspective, I think abortion is sick. I honestly think that abortion is just another fancy way of saying "murder"! It's abserd! If you don't want the child, then you shouldn't want to have sex in the first place! Don't let your hormones speak for you instead of your mind. Instead of killing the baby, why not give the child up for adoption, someplace where you know that the baby will be safe and, hopefully, out of harm's way. Im sure there's someone out there that wants what you consider a waste of sperm. There are people out there that actually value another man's "trash", people who wish they could have children like you but have yet to be able to concieve. Don't harm a baby because of your idiotic mistake! Let the child live and give it a chance to make something out of him or herself. He or she could be the next president for all you know.

1 comment:

  1. You are passionate wirter. Good job telling it like it is.

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